Sunday, July 10, 2016


1)Develop the report (.rdf)as per client Requirement by using reports 6i Builder

2)Move the report from Local mechine into Server
CUS_TOP\11.5.0\Reports\US\ .rdf
PO_TOP\11.5.0\Reports\US\ .rdf

3)Select System Administrator and create EXECUTABLE 
1)Executable Name
3)Execution Method
4)Report(.rdf) file Name

4)Create Concurrent Program and attach 1)EXECUTABLE
5)Create Request Group and attach Concurrent Program

6)Create Responsibility 1)Request Group
2)Data Group
7)Create user, attach Responsibility to the user.

8)User will select the Responsibility and goto SRS(Standard Request Submission) Window
submit the Request.


Executable = Concurrent=>Program=>Executable
Concurrent Program = Concurrent=>Program=>Define
Request Group = Security=>Responsibility=>Request
Responsibility = Security=>responsibility=>Define
User = Security=>User=>Define
SRS Window = View Menu=>Request =>Submit New request=>Ok=>Select Program
=>Submit=>No=>Find=>View Output

ny other report other than .rdf like sql report  to register in Oracle Application 11i or R12.
-         Open the winSCP tool, The Following window is opening,
In this Window, Enter the Host name of your Oracle Application
-         And Enter the Username & Password, then click the Login button.
-         In Remote system window, open the report’s (.rdf) current folder (appltop/custom/reports/us)
-         Then Move (copy) the developed Report (TEXTREPORT.rdf) from local system to Remote system (path like $CUSTOM_TOP/reports/US).
- Move the Next Step, Once FTP of report Completed as above.

Registering the Reports into Oracle Application

Step 1:
Registering a Executable
Navigation – Application Developer ->Concurrent->Executable
Now, the following window appearing on the Screen.
Enter the following fields,
Executable name: TEST REPORT  (Whichever Name you want to mention the Executable or in this case to reflect TESTREPORT.rdf) (Mandatory Field)
Short Name: TEST_REPORT (Enter Unique value without space) (Mandatory Field)
Application: Application Object Library (or suitable Application name)  (Mandatory Field)
Description: This for Test Report ( Non Mandatory Field)
Execution Method: Select the “Oracle Reports” from List of Values.

Execution File Name: TESTREPORT (Enter the File name in Upper Case without extension of .rdf that is TESTREPORT.rdf without .rdf )
Save It through File -> Save or Press the Save Icon.
Step 2:
Creating a Program Associate with an Executable
Navigation – Application Developer  Responsibility ->Concurrent->Program
Now this window appearing on the Screen.
Enter the following fields,
Program Name: Report for TEST (Enter the Report name whatever you want?)
Short Name: TEST_FOR_REPORT ( Enter the Unique name without Space for this Report)
Executable name: TEST REPORT  (Executable Name mentioned by you in previous step/Window for Executable Registration) (Mandatory Field)
Output Format: PDF (Select the Output format from the List of Values)
Output Style: Landscape ( Select the style from the available List of Values)
Save it Through File -> save or Click the Save Icon,
If Reports have a Parameter Values, Then You should mention the parameter values through the following way,
Click the Parameter button from bottom of that form, Now one more window will opening,
In this Window,
Enter the Seq value of Parameter like 10,20,…

Enter the Parameter name without Space
Please note that in this current example we have not passed any parameters as this report does not have any report parameters.
In Validation Part, Assign the Value set for this Parameter from validation List,
In Display Part, Enter Prompt name and Token Value of the Parameter,
Save it Through File -> save or Click the Save Icon,

Assign the Concurrent Program to Request Group
Step 1:
Navigation – System Administrator Responsibility ->  Security ->  Responsibility -> Request 
The below window appears on the Screen.
In this Window,
Select the Request Group (name whichever you want)
After that move the Cursor into Name field in Requests Part, then select file-> New(assuming that there are already concurrent programs associated in this already existing Request Group), to create a new row then enter registered report program or the above Concurrent Program name in this field. Please note that choose Type as “Program”.

Then Save it through File à save.

Assign the Request Group to Responsibility

Navigation – System Administrator -> Security->Responsibility->Define
Click on Define button and you will see following screen:
Please note that Request Group created in the previous step has been assigned to the Responsibility.

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