Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Printer type and its significance and How you relate Printer driver and Printer type.

 A printer type identifies a printer by manufacturer and model. A print style tells the printer how a printed output should look. A printer driver delivers commands that tell the printer how to output the specified print style. The ability to print a report in a particular print style depends on the type of printer the report file is sent to.

Step 1. Printer Type: What kind of printer do you have. This is the manufacturer and model. Two examples are a DEC LN03 printer and an HP Laserjet III printer.

Step 2. Print Style: A description of how your report should be printed. Print style determines the:
- Number of lines per page.
- Width of each line.
- Whether a header page should be printed.
- Number of lines per page.
- Width of each line.
- Whether a header page should be printed.

Step 3.Printer Driver: The set of commands that tell a printer how to print in the Print Style chosen.
- Initialization sets printing orientation.
- Reset clears printer’s instructions for next print job.

SetUp Steps
Step 4 - Setup Printer Driver - run on Client
Go into applications as a user with 'System Administrator' responsibility.
Go to Install-->Printer-->Driver
Create a new driver by entering the following information:-
Driver Name : testDriver
User Driver : testDriver
SRW Driver: L
Arguments : print /d:\\\ $PROFILES$.FILENAME (where is the host name returned by the hostname command and is the Share Name you gave to the printer in step (1) above) e.g. 'print /d:\\ukp19999-4w\testprn $PROFILES$.FILENAME'

All other options should be left at default - which is blank for everything except 'Driver Method' which is defaulted to 'Command'.

Step 5 - Setup Print Style - run on Client
Go to Install-->Printer-->Style
Create new style by entering the following information:-
Style Name : testStyle
Seq : 4User
Style : testStyle
SRW Driver : L
Columns : 132
Rows : 64
All other options should be left blank. NOTE - the 'Seq' number needs to be unique, so if you get an error to the effect number 4 has already been used, then use a different number that has not previously been used. The seeded data uses multiples of 5 (ie - 5, 10, 15, etc) up to a value of 185.

Step 6 - Setup Printer Types - run on ClientGo to Install-->Printer-->TypesCreate new type by entering the following information:-
Type : testType
Style : testStyle
Driver Name : testDriver

Step 7 - Register Printer - run on ClientGo to Install-->Printer-->RegisterCreate new printer by entering the following information:-
Printer : testPrinter
Type : testType

Step 8 - Setup profile option - run on ClientGo to Profile-->System Type in 'printer' in the 'Profile' and click on 'Find' This should display the System Profile option called Printer on screen. Click on "Site" and then use the List Of Values to select your printer called'testPrinter' Save this setting, then exit Oracle Applications

Step 9 - Stop and restart Concurrent Manager - run on Server Go to Settings-->Control Panel-->Service Scroll down to and click on 'OracleConcMgr' where is your APPL_CONFIG setting. Click on 'Stop' to stop the service. This could take a couple of minutes whilst the FNDLIBR, etc processes are gracefully stopped. When you are returned to the Services list, click on 'Start' to restart the Concurrent Manager.

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